Be careful !!! There is no fake version of Face App on your phone .....?

Be careful !!! There is no fake version of Face App on your phone .....?

Repor Report: - Russia has been accused of stealing information against Face App Face App Fake Counter App has been released on countless smart phones around the world Installing the device unknowingly is harmful to the user Mobidash adware | Kaspersky recently released this information! Google Play Store Complaints for Fake App and Malware | Agent Smith is a terrible malware spread around 2.5 million phones worldwide. 16 apps have been removed due to a complaint in the Play Store last week


Now this is a fake fake App App Face App Experts say that this App is exactly the same as the Face App Face App Mobidash Kaspersky expert Igor Gavolin said The adware module is hidden behind this fake version As a result, all the information collected by the worker is collected through the App
Technical ashis

Because of the fact that Face App is so popular, there are numerous viewer apps available in various App Stores But the question is how safe they are

Before installing any app, check its terms carefully Seeing any link or advertisement from Facebook or whatsapp is not good to download any apps because fake devoloper provides these ads in most cases

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